Selasa, 05 Juli 2011

Kerjasama freedownloadsoftware4 dengan Daniecenteronline


now cooperating with Daniecenteronline blog, the blog owner Daniecenteronline has agreed to cooperate in Indonesia english version, whereas the daniecenteronline remain the Indonesian version of the blog while freedownloadsoftware4 in english version

Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011

Acd See V.9

This is software for viewing photos, this software is typically used to compress images, change image resolution, Etc.

Download software
Download Keygen
Download SN

Adobe Photoshop CS3

This is a software for editing photos, brighten photos for example, replace backgroud photos, create business cards, etc..


Yahoo Mesenger V.11

This is software to chat in the form of video, audio, and even a webcam. Yahoo has released a new version of the V.11


Office Tab V.1.2 For Office 2007

This is software for office, this software is to help us in displays data office, usually located office when minimized in the taskbar, when you install this software, you are not too many offices in the taskbar



This is a free music player with a very light style, first AIMP3 is usually called AIMP2.


Easy photo uploader for Facebook V. 0.9

This is our software to upload your photos easily and quickly let every uploaded to facebook maximum per album / per upload only ranging 200-250 photos.


Smadav V. 8.5

This is the antivirus made ​​in Indonesia, people usually call it with smadav, SmadAV have 2 versions of SmadAV SmadAV Free and Pro. if you want the pro serial number is found below.

SmadAV Pro:
Name: Modernw4r3 Key: 088 800 403 080


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